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Arthurs Point

Nō Wikipedia Māori
Kei roto a Arthurs Point i te takiwā o Ōtākou

Ko Arthurs Point he nohanga o te takiwā o Ōtākou. E ai ki Toitū Te Whenua, he nohanga (he 'locality' rānei ki te reo Pākehā) he wāhi e nohoia ana e te tangata, engari kāore anō kia tae te taupori ki te nui e taea ai te kī he tāone tonu taua wāhi rā.

Takiwā o Ōtākou

[takatā | takatā pūtake]

Ko te takiwā o Ōtākou kei te tonga o Te Wai-pounamu; ko Ōtepoti te tāone nui.

Tirohia hoki

[takatā | takatā pūtake]
  • "Mahere: rohe whenua o Aotearoa (LINZ)". Toitū Te Whenua (Land Information New Zealand)]. Archived from the original on 2007-08-31. Retrieved 2007-09-04.