Template talk:Infobox ture (Aotearoa)

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This infobox takes a number of parameters:

the short title of the legislation, displayed at the top of the infobox. Should preferably be the same as the article title.
the kaupapa (topic/purpose/summary) of the legislation: you can use the long title of the legislation.
(optional) - who first introduced the legislation into parliament. This could be a link to an individual politician, or a political party if you do not know the individual. You could also mention whether it was a government-supported bill or a private member's bill.
the date the legislation was approved by the parliament which made it.
(optional) - the date the legislation was signed by the Governor-General (or by the monarch)
the date at which the legislation came into effect.
internal links to amending or repealing legislation, or a list of years in which the legislation has been modified.
this can be one of four values, "Current" (for legislation still in force), "Amended" (for legislation which has been substantially modified by separate legislation), "Repealed" (for legislation which has been repealed, or is no longer in force), or "Bill" for legislation which has not yet been passed into law.