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Wikipedia talk:Wāhanga

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Nō Wikipedia Māori

(We can first copy to this page some of the recent discussions that have been recorded elsewhere, eg at MediaWiki talk:Category. But we may have moved on beyond needing that.)

He reo rangatira te reo

[takatā pūtake]

Nāku i whakatikatika te rerenga kōrero e pā ana ki te whakamahi i te reo - kāhore anō kia kōrerorerotia te pai, te kino rānei o taua whakaaro, kāhore anō kia tae ki te whakatau o te nuinga. Ināianei, he kaha ake te hunga mōhio i te reo ki te whakamahi i tēnei wiki i te hunga kore mōhio. Kahuroa 10:43, 28 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)

Ko tēnei te āhua o te upoko e whakaarohia e au mō te Hau Kāinga:

Haere mai ki Wikipedia
te mātāpunenga utukore māhorahora
Kua tae ki te 7,955 ngā tuhi pānui

Koia nei he tēpu o ngā wāhanga matua. Robin, feel free to fill this out so we can see what we are doing before we start categorising. Lets fill out the whole table first and get it all worked out. Here in the table, the headings as on the Hau Kainga are in the top row, then each cell below is subcats of those:

Ngā Wāhanga
Hapori whānui
Kōrero o mua
Mahi toi
Mātai matawhenua
Arikinui Arikinui,
Maramataka Amerika,
Te Ao,
Hakihea Aotearoa,
Hononga o Amerika,

Instead of table

[takatā pūtake]
Good work creating the table, pal! But with 188 categories at this moment and more to come soon probably (though a growing number are "whakahaere" and won't feature in the content-ontology), the table will take a while to fill; and with interweaving threads it will start breaking down a bit in the lower levels unless we simply duplicate. Robin Patterson 22:31, 29 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)
Probably better to use lists like this to map out the basics anyway- easier to add to as well. I think some of the additions need a rethink. Religion more like Society for instance, and maramataka? History - but it can be future...


Maramataka (ie, as technology to manage time)

Hapori whānui

Whakapono (belief, religion)


Arikinui - better translation needed, perhaps Kaiārahi: leaders

Kōrero o mua

Kōrero tūpuna

Mahi toi


Mātai matawhenua

Te Ao
Amerika - if to mean North America, check trans
Hononga o Amerika

Pāngarau Pūtaiao

Mātai kararehe
Mātauranga huaota

Visual arrangements

[takatā pūtake]

I agree that the indented-list style is easier than a table once we get beyond level 2 or level 3. That's how the English Wikipedia:Browse page started and is basically how it continues. Robin Patterson 01:48, 30 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)

Headings to use?

[takatā pūtake]
  • Are all of these feasible at the moment? How many maths or technology articles are there for instance? We have a scattering only of science. Might other headings be more appropriate instead of these three for the time being?
Combine maths/science/technology for a while? All under "Pūtaiao" maybe (where the majority are at present)? Robin Patterson 20:28, 29 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)
Or put the maths and technology under category:whakaraparapa until there are enough (eg 3) per separate category? Robin Patterson 22:31, 29 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)
Don't particularly like whakaraparapa - only source is Ngata, and its a long, little-known word. Pūtaiao might be the one - except I think now that Calendars are a form of technology. We might end up with two more headings wanting for the Hau Kainga banner if we combine some - what to replace them - or maybe just have 6 or something??

Distinguishing categories from the Hau Kainga banner

[takatā pūtake]

The Hau Kainga banner can be changed in a moment as new categories suitable for it are created (and I think it could start with only 4 or 5). This page is primarily for discussing the categories themselves. Maybe the HK discussion needs a subpage such as Hau Kāinga/Ki Runga. Robin Patterson 01:48, 30 Pipiri 2006 (UTC)

Hau Kāinga/Ūpoko rānei pea
It's only a label for a working page, not an article page. This resident of Te Ūpoko o te Ika has no preferences! But structurally - maybe a template would be better, for easy insertion when polished. You've had more experience of such situations than I have, and you'll be the only or main contributor to the text (though you may get several other people on the discussion page), so it's over to you. Robin Patterson 20:27, 2 Hōngongoi 2006 (UTC)
Umm - it is already a template - but not a finalised one under the final name. Kahuroa

National Library - Ngā Ūpoko Tukutuku / Māori Subject Headings

[takatā pūtake]

Some of the work may already have been done for us by the NZ Nat Library, in excellent reo too, see the clickable headings listed in Top Term Index and explained further in Ngā Ūpoko Tukutuku / Māori Subject Headings

The English is almost impeccable too. Thanks for that link, which I will repeat in places. Definitely worth using as far as possible. Robin Patterson 20:27, 2 Hōngongoi 2006 (UTC)
except I think they have a typo in one case he matau instead of hei matau. Kahuroa